Student Club Resources
All the forms you need for club budgets, event registration, club leadership, and club spending can be found below.
Any additional questions regarding the information can be directed to the Office of Student Activities.
You must meet with a OSA Office Manager to finalize all the details for your event. Office Managers are available Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm and are located in the Bertelsmann Campus Center, Room 218.
Any additional questions regarding the information can be directed to the Office of Student Activities.
You must meet with a OSA Office Manager to finalize all the details for your event. Office Managers are available Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm and are located in the Bertelsmann Campus Center, Room 218.
Club Head Info and Spending Guide
The Club Head Info and Spending Guide is your guide to starting, leading, and maintaining your organization. This guide will serve as a tool for all club heads to aid their registered club in succeeding at Bard. This document outlines all the policies and procedures regarding the spending of club funds. All club heads are responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures found in the Club Head Info and Spending Guide. -
Club Ledger Spring 2025
This is the public ledger update weekly by Wednesday at 10pm to reflect processed budget requests. -
Club Requests and Processing Calendar
This calendar serves to help Bard student clubs navigate when to submit Purchase Requests so that the items requested are able to arrive on time so they are available for scheduled events. Bard College does not have control over vendor shipping timelines and/or vendor delays.
Please use the Approved Vendors Guide. If using a new vendor not listed in the guide, please make all requests at a minimum of four (4) weeks in advance.
Club Budget Proposal Form
Club heads use this form to submit a budget proposal at the start of the semester, before Budget Review (when the Fiscal Committee reviews budget proposals) and Budget Forum (when clubs can request funds from other clubs and after which budgets are finalized). -
Student Event/Meeting Registration Calendar
This calendar serves to help Bard students and student clubs navigate when to when to register their event(s) with OSA. All events require registrations of a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the event date.
Club Spending Processing Timeline
This shows the expected timeline from start to finish of any student purchase/check/payroll request. -
Club Spending Submission Portal
This form is used to submit budget requests, including purchase requests, check requests, and payroll requests. -
Club Purchase Request
The Purchase Request form is to request the college ro purchase items for a registered event hosted by a student club. -
Club Check Request
The Check Request form is to request payment by check to outside vendors contracted to provide services or to a current student as reimbursement for items purchased for a student club. -
Club Payroll Request
The Payroll Request form is to request payment through payroll to a current student for a service they provided to a student club. -
Club Extra Lines for Requests Form
The Extra Lines for Requests form is to supplement the other request forms when more space is required to describe the items. -
Club Stimulus Fund Request
This form is used to request funding from the Stimulus Fund to supplement a club's budget. -
Club Transfer Funds Request
This form is used to request a transfer of your funds to another club or college department. -
Amazon Club Order Information
The guide is designed to streamline the process of purchasing something for your club through Amazon. -
Sound Crew Information
Click below to download the Sound Crew Handout. -
Parkhurst Catering Information
Click below to download the Club Catering Menu. -
Equipment Rental Form
Please note that OSA equipment check-out and check-in hours are Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm.
Additional Resources
Find available venues for events.
Space Management
Space Management
Contact Us
Office of Student Activities
Bertelsmann Campus Center, Room 218
845-758-7097 | [email protected]
Instagram: @bard_osa | Facebook: @bardstudentactivities
Bertelsmann Campus Center, Room 218
845-758-7097 | [email protected]
Instagram: @bard_osa | Facebook: @bardstudentactivities